Verifone Chip and Pin Devices –
The latest software from Verifone is now compatible with KCPOS. Following announcements that V800 devices are to reach end of support KCPOS now supports the following Verifone chip & pin devices:
• P400 Plus
• E355
• E285
Logwood KS Integration –
KCPOS now has a standard and supported integration with the Logwood KS system, one of the leading kitchen screen providers in the UK. If you would like to understand more about Logwood and its functionality, please contact your account manager who can put you in touch with the suppliers.
Hospitality Ticket Printer Mapping – We now have far more flexibility to control where hospitality orders are printed to when taken on the till. Orders can be sent to different kitchen printers based on a branch, stock item or stock group. Previously there was a limit on the maximum number of printer configurations per branch, this has been lifted to 19 unique and configurable ticket printers per branch.
Hospitality Order Numbers –
When running a café or restaurant where orders numbers are assigned to allow food to be picked up when ready, KCPOS can now support this functionality within the system. Each transaction is assigned an incremental order number that will be printed on the customer’s receipt. When their order number is called up they can collect their food. KCPOS allows configuration to reset order numbers at the end of the day or when a limit is reached.
To read more about our latest release updates please download our KCPOS 2020 Highlights Guide